Appeal by the Secretary
We have given an exhaustive list of our requirements above. It is for you to decide how far and to what extent you can come forward to ensure success of our endeavour to build up a developed India specially in helping a child in distress or a poor lady to live Honourably with a smiling face. It is a fact of our experience that the parents feel happy when their children are well-fed and well established in life. Same is the case with the Supreme Father and the Supreme Mother in heaven. If you like to please GOD, do it by serving His children in any form or norm you can, instead of offering tones of flowers and fruits at His Holy feet. “They alone live who live for others; rest are more dead than alive” – so said Swami Vivekananda. We, therefore, appeal to you to stand by our side in working out the principle of God worship in man – Siva in Jiva that the Great Swami preached and practiced during His lifetime in the light of teaching of His Great Master – Sri Sri Ramakrishna.
With blessings of the Lord.
Sincerely yours,
Swami Nityarupananda
Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission
You can participate as follows :-
- By sponsoring poor, orphan, destitute or handicapped children which will cost Rs. 2000/- or equivalent per month per child for his/her education and care.
- You can create ‘Memorial Fund’ in loving memory of your beloved family members for welfare projects. This Fund can be kept as ‘Permanent Fund’ and only the interest will be utilized for any project selected by you.
- You can construct ‘Memorial Building’ in loving memory of any departed soul.
- You can sponsor different ‘Medical Projects’ in memory of your relatives.
- You can arrange “Scholarship” or ‘Memorial Prizes’ for Mission Students.
- You can donate for up-gradation Technical Education facilities of poor students & unemployed rural youths.
- You can help to upgrade the existing facilities of our Rural Centers are Higher Education facilities.
- Moreover, you can donate according to your wish after going through our activities.
- Donation in kind is also accepted.
For further help please contact 033-2592-0547/6904/094339 84783