1. Birth : He was born on 1st November, 1933, at Gobindapur village under Hizla Police Station in the district of Barishal in East Bengal (now Bangladesh).
2. Parents : Late Haribhusan Chakraborty (Father), Late Manada Sundari Devi (Mother)
3. Childhood Education :
4. In refugee Camp
He was admitted in a student Home as a refugee which Hindu Mahasava used to run by the courtesy of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee when he was a student of Class- VI in Senhati High School. As ill-luck would have it – the said student Home had to be closed for obvious reasons. He left Senhati.
5. First contact with Swami Punnyanandaji Maharaj
In October 1944, he took shelter in a large building at 10, Nalini Sarkar Street, Kolkata and this is the place where he first came in contact with Swami Punnyannadaji Maharaj.
6. Admission in Rahara, Ramakrishna Mission Boys’ Home
In early part of December 1944, he accompanied Punnyanandaji Mahara along with few other unfortunate boys to Rahara Ashram and was admitted in Class- VI in Ashram School.
7. Child shows the Man
He sang a song before Swami Punnyananda such as “Jiban Prabhatey Maramer Sathey Balo Joy Ramakrishna re”. When he was a boy, his sonorous voice and the divinity introduced him to Swami and the rest is history.
8. Boyhood Education
9. Special care and love of Swami Punnyanandaji
He lived in Rahara Ashram for long 32 years under affection and guidance of Swami Punnyanandaji and chronologically as student, worker, Brahmachari and Sannyasi. During lifetime of Punnyanandaji he worked as School Head Master, Professor, College Principal and Assistant Secretary.
10. Initiation to Srimat Swami Virajanandaji Maharaj 6th President of Belur Math
He received kindness and Diksha Matra from Swami Virajanandaji on 6th July, 1946 at Belur Math.
11. Joining Ramakrishna Mission as Monastic member
On 27th February, 1966 after taking Sannayasa from Srimat Swami Vireswaranandaji Maharaj the 10th President of Belur Ramakrishna Math.
12. Assistant of Swami Punnyanandaji at Rahara Mission
Served as “Assistant Secretary” during the period 1966 to 1971.
13. Sad Demise of Swami Punnyanandaji 21st November 1971 at 8-15 p.m.
14. Following the footstep of Swami Punnyanandaji
To undertake social, cultural, educational, medical, spiritual and welfare activities for the masses particularly for the benefit of poor, orphans, destitute, disabled and backward classes irrespective of caste, creed, religions and regions he established Vivekananda Order under Vivekananda Math.
In 1984, Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission received National Award from the Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of India for valuable services in the field of Child Welfare by the kind hands of Jnani Jail Singh, the then President of India.
In 1987 Swami Nityanandaji Maharaj visited “Street Children International”, New York, USA.
In the year 1994-95 and visited Japan as a member of the Planning Commission of India.
WBBSE accorded recognition as a X Class High School with effect from 01.01.1987 by an order of Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta. Afterwards this school has been upgraded to Higher Secondary Section (XI and XII).
In 1988, Swami Nityanandaji visited a Unit of Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission, UK Centre at Bolton, (near Manchester).
In 1992, the Mission received National Award from the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Women and Child Development, Government of India for valuable services in the field of Child Welfare by kind hands of R. Venkatraman, the then President of India.
Some staff of the high school being politically motivated started disturbances against the Mission Authorities, consequently Swami Nityananda terminated services of two indisciplined teachers. The matter went to Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta and litigation continued for more than 10 years. The disputes resolved ultimately by the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
In August 2001, Swami Nityanandaji visited Second time at Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission, UK Centre at 238, Bridgeman Street, Bolton, UK.
Mission prayed to the State Government for granting Special Rules for management of Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission established schools since 1987. But all the attempts and prayers were fruitless and went in vain. Ultimately Writ Petitions were filed before the Hon’ble High Court seeking natural justice. But Mission’s prayer for granting Special Rules was rejected, Therefore, appeal was filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India set aside the impugned Judgment of the Calcutta High Court and passed an Order on 29.11.2004 stating that the Mission is entitled to rights under Article 26 of the Constitution of India on that basis seek framing of Special Rules under Rule 33 of the WBBSE. Accordingly, Government of West Bengal vide Notification in the Calcutta Gazette published on 13th December, 2011 granted Special Rules for management of Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission School established and run by the Mission in West Bengal. This is an achievement.
In 2003, the Mission received National Award from the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Women and Child Development, Government of India for valuable services in the field of Child Welfare. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Hon’ble President of India visited the Mission on 21 January 2003 and donated his 2 months’ salary.
In 2007, Swami Nityananda Maharaj individually received National Award for valuable services in the field of Child Welfare.
He received S.R. Jindal Prize in 2011 awarded to Ramakrishna Vivekananda Mission for its achievement in the field of Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation amounting Rs25 lakhs.
On 19th January 2013 Sjkt. Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble President of India visited this Mission Headquarters at Barrackpore along with the Governor of West Bengal
After approval of Governing Body of the Mission Society, he handed over the post of Secretary through a ceremony to his student Swami Nityarupananda on 3 rd July 2013.
In 2nd week of December 2013 he admitted to Peerless Hospital under Dr. Ajoy Sarkar. Though he had been suffering with various diabetic-related ailments for couple of years.
3rd week of December 2013 he was admitted to AIIMS, New Delhi but came back from there after a week.
On 5th January, 2014, Sunday in the Morning.
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